Sone Up Hill and Down to Do It Again

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Sisyphus Quotes
Quotes tagged as "sisyphus" Showing 1-30 of 31

"Few tasks are more like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with its countless repetition: the clean becomes soiled, the soiled is made make clean, over and over, day later day."
― The Second Sexual practice
― The Second Sexual practice

"It is of the nature of desire not to exist satisfied, and most men live only for the gratification of it."
― Politics
― Politics

"Articulate-sightedness, persistence, and transcendence can be first-class antidotes for ultimate peace of mind and buoyancy in life, and sometimes valuable cures confronting social and administrative bashing. ("Sisyphus on the hill")"

"Feeling confronted with the absurdity of life may sometimes nurture a personal satisfaction for those who like to set a paramount task or to create a compassionate mission. In so doing, the seal of applesauce becomes less unbearable, while it confers them a 'Sisyphus' condition that transmutes them into heroes of human being resilience. ("Sisyphus on the hill.)"

"If we misread the blueprint of our life, we need not be ashamed of backtracking on our chosen options. Admitting to mistakes may brand us human and maybe smashing again. ("Sisyphus' hardship on the hill")"

"As we are continuing on a dazzling cliff, overwhelmed by a blizzard of unanswered questions, the alarming immaterialities of our living may weep out to the states and our consciousness may ask us to account for what we are doing or for what nosotros have not done. This may be the instant we might engineer our future with destiny. (
"Sisyphus on the hill")"
"Sisyphus on the hill")"

"Few tasks are more like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with its endless repetition: the clean becomes soiled, the soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day. The housewife wears herself out marking time: she makes nada, just perpetuates the present … Eating, sleeping, cleaning – the years no longer rise up towards heaven, they lie spread out ahead, gray and identical. The battle against dust and dirt is never won."
― The Second Sex
― The Second Sex

"Was [Sisyphus] from your province?
'I don't know. I don't know if he'due south real,' Ky says. 'If he ever existed.'
'Then why tell his story?' I don't understand, and for a 2nd I experience betrayed. Why did Ky tell me near this person and brand me feel empathy for him when there'due south no proof that he ever lived at all?
Ky pauses for a moment earlier he answers, ...'Even if he didn't live his story, enough of united states accept lived lives simply similar it. So it's true anyway."
― Matched
'I don't know. I don't know if he'due south real,' Ky says. 'If he ever existed.'
'Then why tell his story?' I don't understand, and for a 2nd I experience betrayed. Why did Ky tell me near this person and brand me feel empathy for him when there'due south no proof that he ever lived at all?
Ky pauses for a moment earlier he answers, ...'Even if he didn't live his story, enough of united states accept lived lives simply similar it. So it's true anyway."
― Matched

"Where would his torture exist, indeed, if at every step the hope of succeeding upheld him?"

"It is a matter of living in that land of the absurd I know on what information technology is founded, this mind and this world straining confronting each other without being able to embrace each other. I enquire for the dominion— of life of that state, and what I am offered neglects its basis,
negates one of the terms of the painful opposition, demands of me a resignation. I inquire what is involved in the condition I recognize as mine; I know information technology implies obscurity and ignorance; and I am bodacious that this ignorance explains everything and that this darkness is my
― The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
negates one of the terms of the painful opposition, demands of me a resignation. I inquire what is involved in the condition I recognize as mine; I know information technology implies obscurity and ignorance; and I am bodacious that this ignorance explains everything and that this darkness is my
― The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays

"I can negate everything of that part of me that lives on vague nostalgias, except this desire for unity, this longing to solve, this demand for clarity and cohesion. I can abnegate everything in this world surrounding me that offends or enraptures me, except this chaos, this sovereign chance and this divine equivalence which springs from anarchy. I don't know whether this world has a significant that transcends it. But I know that I practice not know that significant and that it is impossible for me just now to know it. What can a meaning outside my condition mean to me? I tin can understand only in human terms."
― The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
― The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays

"If I have learned something from my life, likewise excessive reading is that we all are Sisyphus. And we all realize it, eventually. Some in their thirties, some in their sixties, and some when they are on their deathbeds. And once we realize who nosotros really are, we all ask ourselves ane simple question–'What the hell was that? What the hell was all that?"
― The Globe's Near Frustrated Man
― The Globe's Near Frustrated Man

"Sisyphus taught me one truth that mortals aren't supposed to know— that the gods need flesh far more than the flesh need the gods. The creation is a paradox. Gods created the mortals, and mortals created the gods."
― Receiver of Many
― Receiver of Many

"I shall leave you to your Sisyphean task."
"What does that hateful?" he heard Daisy ask.
Lillian replied while her smiling gaze remained locked with Marcus's. "It seems you avoided one likewise many Greek mythology lessons, dear. Sisyphus was a soul in Hades who was damned to perform an eternal job... rolling a huge boulder up a hill, only to have it coil down over again only before he reached the top."
"So if the countess is Sisyphus," Daisy ended, "I suppose we're..."
"The bedrock," Lady Westcliff said succinctly, causing both girls to express mirth.
"Do continue with our instruction, my lady," Lillian said, giving her full attending to the elderly woman equally Marcus left the room. "We'll try not to flatten yous on the way downwardly."
― It Happened One Autumn
"What does that hateful?" he heard Daisy ask.
Lillian replied while her smiling gaze remained locked with Marcus's. "It seems you avoided one likewise many Greek mythology lessons, dear. Sisyphus was a soul in Hades who was damned to perform an eternal job... rolling a huge boulder up a hill, only to have it coil down over again only before he reached the top."
"So if the countess is Sisyphus," Daisy ended, "I suppose we're..."
"The bedrock," Lady Westcliff said succinctly, causing both girls to express mirth.
"Do continue with our instruction, my lady," Lillian said, giving her full attending to the elderly woman equally Marcus left the room. "We'll try not to flatten yous on the way downwardly."
― It Happened One Autumn

"The story of Sisyphus is no unlike from what nosotros take to go through every 24-hour interval of our lives. We wake upward, toil during the day, come home eventide and balance only to brainstorm toiling once again the next day. The only deviation is that we are mere mortals and one solar day, we will dice. Expiry excuses u.s. from our daily toils different Sisyphus who has to toil till eternity."
― Unforgettable: Living a Life That Matters
― Unforgettable: Living a Life That Matters

"At that place must be a difference betwixt a Sisyphus who hurries to lift the boulder, despite knowing that it's going to scroll downwardly again and a Sisyphus who – fully aware of this fact – prefers to accept a nap or play with his kids before the adjacent lifting."

"We're living in a strange, circuitous epoch. Every bit Hamlet says, our 'time is out of joint.' Just call up. We're reaching for the moon and yet it's increasingly hard for us to accomplish ourselves; we're able to carve up the cantlet, but unable to prevent the splitting of our personality; we build superb communications between the continents, and even so communication between Homo and Man is increasingly difficult. In other words, our life has lost a sort of college axis, and we are irresistibly falling apart, more and more profoundly alienated from the world, from others, from ourselves. Like Sisyphus, we ringlet the boulder of our life up the hill of its illusory meaning, simply for it to roll downwards once more into the valley of its own absurdity. Never before has Human being lived projected and then near to the very brink of the insoluble conflict between the subjective volition of his moral self and the objective possibility of its ethical realization. Manipulated, automatized, fabricated into a fetish, Man loses the experience of his own totality; horrified, he stares as a stranger at himself, unable not to exist what he is not, nor to be what he is."
― The Memorandum
― The Memorandum
"And Stoner came to realize that she was, as she had said, almost happy with her despair; she would live her days out quitely, drinking a little more, year past twelvemonth, numbing herself against the nothingness her life had become. He was glad she had that, at least; he was grateful that she could drink."

"But the style an eloi has to darken her eyelashes every morning, comprehend her skin with colored cream, powder her nose and forehead all day so information technology doesn't shine, freshen her lipstick over and over, so accept it all off at night. It'south like the myth of Sisyphus in Hades, rolling the stone up the hill just to watch it roll down again."
― The Cadre of the Lord's day
― The Cadre of the Lord's day

"Sisyphus is but a human who is trying to show the adult female that he loves her."
― The New Country
― The New Country

"To be able to enjoy the pleasance of a descend from a mountaintop, something should take yous to the tiptop of the mountain in the first place. Your work – the scroll of the rock takes you to the mountaintop."
― Unforgettable: Living a Life That Matters
― Unforgettable: Living a Life That Matters

"That cemetery was the identify where I awakened to life, believe me. Information technology was where I became aware that I had a right to the fire of my presence in the world — yes, I had a right to it! — despite the absurdity of my status, which consisted in pushing a corpse to the top of a hill before information technology rolled back down, endlessly."
― The Meursault Investigation
― The Meursault Investigation
"No greater affirmation of life is possible than to wish every role of information technology to return to y'all forever. It is the sublime moment when a person tin can look at his life, no matter what it consists of – expert, bad, or indifferent – and detect within himself the desire never to be freed from any attribute of it that allows a human beingness to exist transformed into an Übermensch, the supreme life affirmer."
― Nietzsche: The God of Groundhog Day
― Nietzsche: The God of Groundhog Day

"A voter is merely a Sisyphus. Votes...and votes...and votes..."
― The New Land
― The New Land

"I didn't know that freedom is not a reward or a decoration that is celebrated with champagne. Nor yet a souvenir, a box of dainties to make you lick your chops. Oh, no! It'south a job, on the reverse, and a long-distance race, quite solitary and very exhausting. No champagne, no friends raising their glasses equally they look at you affectionately. Alone in a forbidding room, solitary in the prisoner'south box before the judges, and alone to decide in the face of oneself or in the face of others' judgement. At the finish of all liberty is a court sentence; that'south why freedom is too heavy to bear, peculiarly when you lot're down with a fever, or are distressed, or honey nobody."
― The Autumn
― The Autumn
"Ressamlar, şairler ve filozoflar, Sisyphos mitine dair pek çok şey gördüler. İnsan yaşamının absürtlüğünü, çabanın beyhudeliğini, kaderin amansız zalimliğini, yerçekiminin yenilmez gücünü gördüler. Ancak insanlığın cesaretine, direncine, dayanıklılığına ve kendine olan inancına dair şeyler de gördüler. Boyun eğmeyi reddedişimize dair kahramanca şeyler gördüler."
― Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold
― Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold

"A broken deject of pocket-sized birds tin't brand upwardly its mind which tree to land in. Starting time they wing to one, then the other, then back once more. Like me, they are vagrant, having no focus. And the world is new again, and I feel make clean and happy that nearly every morning for the last sixty-odd years I have popped into the world for a while and at the end of the day popped out again, and eventually the mean solar day will come when my vocal will cease and that is all fine. I don't need to do anything, I don't need to be Sisyphus rolling his rock. I tin be happy, just watching and listening and tasting the air without thinking, without doing. My beard is white, through sun or years; my head equally smooth as a river stone. My fall has come and I'm ripening - how sweet that is! How sweet a blossom I'll attempt to be."
― Seed to Dust: A Gardener's Story
― Seed to Dust: A Gardener's Story
"Underneath the tyrrany of expectations, does every modern human being comport the championship Sisyphus?"
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